Coniferous Energetic Beverage

What will help you to wake up in a gloomy autumn morning? What will give you and your guests “the second wind” after a rich dinner? We offer you a simple beverage made from pine needles, and delicious lemon and honey.

Ingredients for the pine-needle energetic beverage:

  • 2 litres of “Wave of Baikal” pure water

  • 200 gr. of pine or cedar needles

  • A lemon or lemon juice to taste

  • Honey to taste

How to make pine-needle energetic beverage:

Pine Needles are not sold in the supermarket! You’ll have to visit the nearest forest and cut off tender pine and cedar branches. Boil the needles for 7-8 minutes, cover the pan and let the brew steep. Add the right amount of honey and lemon juice and you'll enjoy the light bitterness of the pine needles, which are said to have more vitamin C than lemons. But don't overdo it, pine needles are also said to constrict circulation, which scientists are presently working on to develop new medicines.

Even if you omit the pine needles, you'll surely enjoy your hot lemon tea, and remember your pleasant trip to the forest… A bit later, after some soothing relaxation, you'll begin to feel alive once more, and will desire to act, and to create… And a new working week is now set to begin... and it's not so horrible now!