Turkish Coffee

What is Turkish coffee? It is chic, gold, candles… It is fire, passion… It is brightness, roughness, spiciness… And it is also a cozy sofa with plenty of pillows… and pleasure.

Ingredients for Turkish coffee:

  • 100 ml of “Wave of Baikal” cold water

  • 2 teaspoons of ground coffee

  • 0.5 g of cinnamon

  • 0.5 g of cardamom

  • 0.5 g of vanillin

  • 1 g of pepper mix

How to make Turkish coffee:

Put coffee and spices in the cezve. Mix, and fill with cold water. Put the cezve on low heat and bring to a boil. When it foams, remove from fire, then return to the low heat in several seconds. Repeat this procedure 3 times. Your Turkish coffee is ready. If you want the coffee grounds to sink to the bottom faster, put a bit of cold water in the cup. Enjoy your coffee!